A. Deadlift – 11×2 @ 60% every 20 sec.
B. 12 min AMRAP of:
12 KB swings
12 pushups
12 box jumps
24 double-unders
A. Deadlift – 11×2 @ 60% every 20 sec.
B. 12 min AMRAP of:
12 KB swings
12 pushups
12 box jumps
24 double-unders
I saw of lots of great efforts today, from tackling challenging box heights, heavier KB weights, and people just generally embracing the suck, as the ineloquent saying goes, of a 12 minute met con workout. Think you didn’t do so hot today? Ask yourself if you could have done this workout when you first started here. You are all making great progress, and that is absolutely what we are striving for.
Aww shucks. I know I couldn’t have done it as I did today when I started at CFS. I was thinking about it on my drive home and I am doing stuff every week that I didn’t think was possible. That is really saying something, as I’ve been CF’ing for almost 3 years. So, you know it’s coming….Thanks for the push(es!) Colin and my fellow CFS members!
A. Used 185#, felt pretty solid.
B. Used 55# KB, 20″ box, 8 pushups/round. 4 + 11. No lie, it was painful with the box jumps being the worst. I think my face is still pinker than usual.
colin!! thanks for posting the pic – LOVE that 🙂