A. Snatch balance: work up to a heavy set of 2, then do 3×2 at 75% of the heavy set.
B. 100 KB swings for time
C. 3 sets of 10 ab rollouts with barbell, alternating with 20 single leg DLs (10 per side).
Ab rollout – video. Use a heavy KB for the deadlifts, and focus on maintaining midline stability.
Welcome to the new people in On Ramp last night! It’s good to see a few new faces. It’s also great to see recent On Ramp graduates coming out to their first regular classes. Big things are in store for you, so stick with it!
Why a picture of tires, you ask? Consider them as toys for the warmer weather. We flip them, as one of our “odd object lifts”. A big thank you to Tyrone for lending his time and truck to the cause this morning.
**Please be careful in our parking lot, as it’s pretty icy right now.
**New classes – Monday and Wednesday, from noon to 1 pm. First Wednesday noon class is today, Feb 20th. I sent out an e-mail about the new classes, but forgot to mention when they were starting, so the answer is… right now.
I did this one piecemeal over the course of the afternoon.
B. 100 KB swings – 3:24 (55# KB). Grip was the major issue here, and I had to break it up into sets of 75, 15, and 10. I have done this workout unbroken in the past, and a bit faster as a result.
C. Tried 80# for the KB DLs, but my grip was completely fried, and I couldn’t maintain adequate midline stability. Dropped back to 55#.
A. Worked up to a double at 135, which I think is a PR. This felt better than it has in the past, but it’s still not where it should be.