A. Work up to a heavy set of 2 in the Turkish get-up.
B. Work up to a heavy weighted pull-up. If you don’t have pull-ups, we’ll work on pull-up strength instead.
C. Baseline – today is your chance to see your progress since you started!
If you’re one of those people who have just finished On Ramp recently and don’t feel like revisiting Baseline so soon, we will have something else on the menu for you.
Post results to comments.
Welcome to our new members, Violet, Scott, Kristie, and Curtis! If there’s a face you don’t recognize, be sure to say hi. We should have a couple more people coming on board in the next week or so as well.
A: I haven’t done these in a while I worked up to 30# for the two sets unbroken
B: this was scale to pull-ups with slow negative 3X3. I used a thick and thin red band
C: I haven’t done this since feb. my time was 5:13(PR) everyone at the noon class PR’d I believe. Good job to Erin she beat her old time by 4:30 which is amazing!
A) 20# is all I have right now, 26# was too shaky today to try for two sets.
B) 3X3 pull ups with a slow negative, using a thick and thin red band.
C) Baseline was 5:44 (PR) today. It has been about 6 weeks since the end of On Ramp and I improved by 32 seconds today. I was surprised, but I have to say it sure felt fantastic!
A. Did 44# and wasn’t too bad, then tried the 50# DB…yikes!
B. 3 x 3 with green band.
C. 5:22 using ring rows and chest-to-deck push-ups. My last record of Baseline was in December 2011 at 5:55 using push-ups from my knees (easier than with a box) so very pleased with that PR!
Awesome work, everyone!
A. Worked up to 70# for the TGUs. Right arm is marginally stronger, but not by much. Zero shoulder issues with this movement this time, so that’s progress from some of the times I’ve done this in the past.
B. 100# for the weighted pull-up. Tried 110 (previous PR) and 105, but neither one was happening today.
C. 3:48 — 2 second PR.