A. Increase to working weight, then do 5×2 hang power cleans (all 5 sets at the same weight).
B. 10 rounds of:
Sprint length of parking lot, then walk back. Make sure you are well warmed up before starting this.
C. 16 lengths of the parking lot (8 times there and back) farmer’s carry with dumbbells or kettlebells.
Choose a heavy DB/KB weight and slog your way through it. Do not game this and go light.
So glad I came today. Felt really awesome!
A. Used a working weight of 85# which is exciting because I never thought I would say that
B. Sprints were good once I was loosened up
C. Farmer walks- 45#
What a great day! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Great energy in the gym today, it was great to see so many people out. Been a while since i’ve had the chance to work with some of you and it was exciting to see how far you’ve come.
Opted to row today, been itching to try for total distance in 60 minutes. Managed to go for 30 before my hamstrings and mid back said you really need to build up before you get serious about this one. Total distance in 30 minutes 7,733m.
A: felt really good about these also did 90#
B: Went alright was exhausted at the end
C: used 56# KB. This was a challenge but a good workout!
Thanks again jay!
I did some 3-position snatch work, which actually felt pretty smooth. I worked up to 130, but failed twice to complete all three positions. The high hang eluded me today at this weight, as I wasn’t getting locked out properly.
A. I more or less did this, but not quite as prescribed. I worked up to 185 with a full clean, then did two sets of full cleans at 175, and two sets of power cleans at 155.
B. This was fun, and not as taxing as I thought it might be.
C. Used 70# DBs for this. I did sets of 3-2-2-2-2-2-2-1 lengths.
A) Used 85# – Challenging but good
B) Had fun with the sprints
C) Used 44# KBs. Did 7 sets of 2 + 2 sets of 1 length.
A) high hang and then low hang snatch 75#
B) low hang clean x2 only 115#. I just felt like I had no explosiveness from my legs after the heavy lunges yesterday.
C) sprints – # 6 and 7 felt best and then little things started tiring out – L hip, shoulders.
D) 55# KB – my hands and elbows were definitely the limiting factors here.