A. High hang snatch + hang snatch – Work up to a heavy set, then do two more sets at that weight.
B. For time:
15 DB snatches per arm
15 DB squats (use same DB as you used for the snatches). DB can be held in a goblet squat position or on one shoulder.
30 jump squats (scaled to air squats if you are new)
30 push-ups
90 double-unders.
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Thanks for the workout Colin – I appreciate it big time!!
A) played at a little bit lighter weight to work on my speed moving the bar and then dropping under it
B) 6:09 rx’d (70). Found a comfortable grip on the front squats I hadn’t tried before. Got a small jump on Colin on the snatch and then it became a game of not letting him catch back up. Much easier said than done!