A. Back squat – 1×10@60%, 1×10@65%, 1×8@70%, 1×8@75%.
B. “Flight Simulator” – This is your chance to work on consecutive double-unders. Ideally, each round must be done unbroken, and you must pause between each number (i.e. you cannot do 15 consecutive DUs and count that as rounds 5 and 10.)
For time:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 double-unders.
If this is going to be completely out of reach, go for a total number of DUs, like say 250. If you don’t have double-unders at all, or not consistently, complete the workout doing singles instead, and spend the remainder of the time working on DUs.
15 minute time cap.
C. 3xME scap pushups, 3xME scap pullups.
I did part of today’s at home.
A. 3ME Handstands
B.15min of DU, i got 212 done. Before today i could string 5 together, today i managed 14!! Getting there = excited!!
Have a great day everyone!!
Nicely done!
A. Done. Felt as tough as last week, but that is probably a psychological thing.
B. I ended up doing all the reps, but not unbroken for a total of somewhere around 21 minutes. I was finished the 2nd round of 40 at 15:00. Grueling.
C. 12, 12, 12 push-ups and 17, 15, 15 pull-ups. Push-ups were especially hard with sore abs from yesterday.
A. 175, 190, 205, 225. 75% is definitely easier than 80% for 8.
B. I’ve never actually completed this as prescribed in the past (I think my highest that I got to was round 40), so doing it unbroken today was a first. I had only a few missed sets, and they were fortunately at the beginning of the sets, which made it easier. 13:09 or thereabouts was my final time.
C. Tomorrow — ran out of time today.
A) 135#, 145#, 160#, 170#
B) broken 16:24 but I got to work on my DU form, which has been frustrating me recently. I think my shoulders have been too loose.
C) Done
A) After that dance party of a warm up if made these squats a little hard then it probably should have been, but still good.
B) i opted out of the Flight Simulator (heck, i wouldn’t fly anywhere if i had to do it unbroken :)) so I aimed for 250 DU’s in 15 mins, well i surprised myself with finishing 250 with just over 5 mins left. I kept going the whole 15mins and made it to 384 total DU’s.
C) Not sure the exact #’s but i aimed for at least 10 each.