It’s 11/12/13 today, for whatever that’s worth.
A. Front squat – work up to a heavy set of 5.
B. For time:
100 double-unders
25 Russian KB swings
20 push-ups
20 Russian KB swings
15 push-ups
15 Russian KB swings
10 push-ups
10 Russian KB swings
5 push-ups
5 Russian KB swings
250 single skips.
CF Steinbach hoodies should be here this evening, likely after 5 pm. Thanks to Esther for offering to pick them up!
A) Worked up to 85#. I haven’t done much front squats since June, so it was nice to be able to do them again, and no knee pain with them!
B) 200 regular skips, 55# KB for the swings, and push ups from the floor. My arms were so sore that I didn’t think I’d be able to do the push ups each time I went down to the floor. Push up form really sucked. 250 regular skips.
A) 155#. my previous undated 5RM was 125#. tried for 165#, my previous 3RM but failed.
B) don’t remember my time. should have used 70# for RKBS. got all the single skips unbroken. Woo hoo