A. Work up to a heavy set in the following complex: 2 snatch pulls + 1 snatch.
B. 3 x Max effort Sots press.
C. 6 minute AMRAP of:
3 thrusters (95/65) (or 60-70% of your 1 RM thruster or push press)
6 burpees.
Warm up well and go hard on this one.
A. 95#’s in snatch complex
B. Sots Press 15,15,20 @35lbs
C. 9 rounds even, Rx’d with 65# thrusters
A) 105#
B) 35#
C) 7+3 rx’d
Did part C at home with my son Braxton (16) Monday night.
We both used 65lb, I got 7+5, he got 8 rounds.