A. 3-position snatch – Work up to a moderately heavy set, and then do 2 more sets at that weight. This should not be maximal.
B. 3 sets of max effort Sots press. Try to add a small amount of weight from the last time you did these, if possible.
C. 12 minute AMRAP of:
15 air squats
Bear crawl 1/2 length of gym, then flip over to crab walk and proceed back to start
Bear crawl 1/2 length of gym, then crab walk in the other direction to the finish line
15 KB swings (55/35).
Sorry, I didn’t fully explain this one. Or maybe I just didn’t think it through completely as I was writing it. The afternoon sessions did the squats at one end and KB swings at the other, with a run back after the KB swings.
I got 7 rounds plus the first bear crawl and crab walk. Nice little conditioning workout!
It was a fun workout even though it was a bit confusing.
A) 115. Stayed light as I’d been sitting all day and cou,dn’t convince my hips to warm up.
B) fun and done
C) 8+17. Thanks to Terry and Cassandra for helping push the pace
..ended the day with some more KB andring rip work