A. Turkish get-up – Work up to a heavy double. For the reps to count at a particular weight, you must do the weight with both arms, and for a given arm, you cannot set the weight down between reps one and two. You may rest between arms.
B. “Fran” – This is one of the most well-known original CrossFit workouts. It should be short and fast. Have fun with it, and post your results to comments.
For time:
21-15-9 of thrusters (95 lbs/65 lbs) and pull-ups (scale to foot-assisted ring pull-ups or ring rows)
Scale weight to 50% of max thruster if needed.
Compare to 14/11/2014, 14/07/2014, 03/04/2014, 02/12/2013, 04/06/2013.
C. Mobility.
Here’s a good story that was on the CBC yesterday about how and why junk food fools your brain into thinking it’s real food. It’s worth a listen.