A. Deadlift – 5×3 at 51X1 tempo. Increase weight 5-10 lbs from May 23 weight.
B. 10 min AMRAP ladder of:
Russian KB swings
Ball slams
(i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,etc. ).
C. 3 max effort sets of plate tuck holds
3×25 GHD hip extensions.
A. Deadlift – 5×3 at 51X1 tempo. Increase weight 5-10 lbs from May 23 weight.
B. 10 min AMRAP ladder of:
Russian KB swings
Ball slams
(i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,etc. ).
C. 3 max effort sets of plate tuck holds
3×25 GHD hip extensions.