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A. Rope climb / pegboard practice:

  • 5-10 rope ascents (scale to pulls from the floor, and practice your footwork on the rope) or pegboard ascents. If you have the strength, try the legless (arms only) rope climb. For the regular rope climbs, aim to get to the top in as few pulls as possible.
  • 3 max effort sets of supinated body rows (3313 tempo).

B. With a partner, a 14 minute AMRAP of:

30 hang power cleans (135/95, or 60-65% of your max clean, whichever is less)

40 toes-to-bar

50 push-ups (scale up or down as needed)

60 bar hop burpees.

All the rep number are totals, and one person works at a time. You may use a different barbell weight than your partner.