A. Back squat – Take 20 minutes to find 3 rep max.
B. 9 min AMRAP of:
9 one-arm KB swings (per arm)
6 burpees.
Post results to comments.
This isn’t a CrossFit article, but it’s a good reminder of how developing skills of any sort is mostly about putting in quality time.
Good workout. Thanks, Colin, for all the work you put into modifying the workouts for those of us that are suffering some physical challenges lately!
The good thing about having an injury or pain…for me it means spending more time researching why I have pain and what I can do to make it better (hopefully with as little medication as possible), and in that process increasing my knowledge about the body.
A) Changed to deadlifts. 3RM 140#, which is a PR for me.
B) 8+11. 44# KB for the single arm KB swings, 55# push presses instead of burpees.
A: 145 # (PR)
B: 7+ 14 I used the 44# kettle bell and did the horrible burpees
^^^Wow, very impressive, ladies!
A) I’ve been running on 4-6 hours of sleep over the last few days so I knew my lifting wasn’t going to be anywhere near where I wanted/ percentages said I should be. Finished off only being able to go 225 for 2…decided to do that 5 times. Form was strong, but there was absolutely no drive at a weight that is usually comfortable and fast for me.
Reminder to all…rest and nutirition are crucial in the results you want to achieve.
B) 55# KB. Completed 13+6, nice way to finish off the day.
A. I hit 270 for three, which is a 5 lb PR. I came very close to bailing on the third rep, but the weight was still slowly moving, so I stuck with it and got it up.
B. 12 rounds and 13 reps. KB swings were done with 55#. The swings were a good challenge for the core stability, and the workout itself was pretty much just a test of work capacity. I was chasing Jay and his speedy burpees for the whole workout.
We had lots of PRs today, and even a few people who exceeded their 1 RM for three reps… which means their 1 RM is higher still. Well done, everyone!
A) 115# (PR) – Back squats are feeling so much better lately! Noticing a huge improvement in flexibility, control and depth.
B) 9+1 using a 35# KB. Glad when it was over!
A) 115# (PR) – Back squats are feeling so much better lately! Noticing a huge improvement in flexibility, control and depth.
B) 9+1 using a 35# KB. Glad when it was over!
Oops, sorry about the double post. Technical difficulties with the computer.
A) 195#, a 10# PR from last year. I was hoping for at least 200# but I could tell it was day 4 of working out. My legs just didn’t have it.
B) 8+10 I think. It was hard to keep track near the end. 44# KB
A: 85 (PR)
B: 8 + 14 using 26 KB