A. Work up to a heavy set of 3 in the bench press.
B. 3 rounds, not for time:
Max effort KB/band bench press
8 Pendlay rows (heavy)
8 good mornings (also heavy).
Try to increase the weight from the last time we did these movements.
Post results to comments.
Some people were having issues with their overhead position in the snatch work yesterday. Here’s a good article on just that (Fixing the snatch and overhead position).
A. 3RM bench press: 55lbs
B. Pendlay Rows: 55lbs
Good Mornings: 60lbs
15lb Kettle bells for first two rounds then 20lbs for final round of M/E band bench press.
This is one of my favourite workouts.
I had fun working out with Agatha!
A. 3 x 135#, not a great day. Felt very weak.
B. Used 35# KB: 5, 5, 6. Well, lost it on the third round so not sure if I should count the last one.
105# rows, 110# good mornings. Tried the rows with 110 but no go. Feeling very sluggish today.
Congrats to Melissa on her 3RM bench press at 95#!