
Today is a statistical anomaly. Out of all the possible days of the year, this happens to be the day on which no fewer than FOUR CrossFit Steinbach members have a birthday. I’m not going to tell you exactly who they all are, but their initials are MMMK. One day a couple of weeks ago they all happened to be in the gym at the same time, and this remarkable bit of information was brought to light.

The metcon portion of the workout today has movements that at least one of these four people are good at… and one extra movement probably nobody likes. We are democratic that way.

A. Work up to a heavy set of 3 in the push press.

B. With a partner, do the following for time. For each movement pairing, one partner will be performing a set amount of work, and the other partner will be doing as many reps as possible of a second movement. Switch and repeat.

Partner A completes 80 double unders. Partner B does an AMRAP of KB swings (overhead). Switch.

Partner A runs 400 m. Partner B does an AMRAP of pushups. Switch.

Oh, and at the beginning of each pairing, you must do 10 burpees in sync with your partner. Make ’em pretty.

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