A. Work up to a heavy set in the following complex: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch + 1 snatch balance
B. A day late, for Jay:
43 double-unders
21 pushups
43 air squats
21 burpees
43 gym lengths suicide runs
43 situps
43 double-unders.
Compare to 13/04/2013.
***Easter Hours: The gym is closed Good Friday, and open Saturday and Easter Monday. By popular request, we are adding a 9 am class this Thursday to make up for the cancelled 9 am Friday class.***
Happy Birthday WOD to Jay!!! Today was sooo fun 🙂
A. 65#, tried 70# a bunch of times – just couldn’t get it! Mental game not on!!
B. 12:34 (i think) This was a good one, running was def. the longest part!
Happy Monday everyone!
Thanks for the b-day wishes.
A) 105 kept the weight light to continue working on technique
B) 7:15… A little slower than last year but i’ll blame the bigger gym as opposed to my age for for making the difference.
A) 90#. I was having the issues with the bar path in the second part of the pull. Grrr
B) 11:19, 2 minutes slower than last year.
Great job, Kelly for Rx’ing the WOD!!
Thanks Hillary!!!
A. 85#’s … I was trying to keep my weight in my heels a little too much and kept jumping backwards so this didn’t then out as heavy as I would have liked
B. Fun one, 10:25 Rx’d, probably could/should have ran a little faster during suicide runs if I were to do it over again.
A. Worked up to 135# on this complex, with no misses. Up until a couple of weeks ago, 135 was my 1 RM, so I’m happy with that.
B. Did this one on my own, so I probably slacked off more than I needed to. 9:26 (I think). Shoulders were a little smoked from some parallette and ring work earlier in the day.
I also saw Catherine graduate to the floor on her push-ups, which is great. No turning back…