<– Mara making her way up the rope… every foot up the rope is a PR! Awesome work.
A. Hang snatch – Work up to a heavy set of two.
B. 3×8 Good mornings. Increase from last week if possible.
C. For time, 24-18-12 (each) of:
DB snatches (total, i.e. 12 per hand on the first round). Work on that hip extension.
This should be short and fast, but the DB snatch should still be heavy enough to encourage you to use good technique, shall I say.
Hey CF ladies!! I thought it would be fun to have a ladies movie night. We’ll meet at the box, this coming Monday night, the 26th, and car pool together to the city. The new show times will come out Friday, so the time we will meet and the chosen movie, will be posted here that day. So just keep that night free, and maybe after, depending on time available, we can go for coffee. We’ll play it by ear. So get the word out!! Looking forward to it!! WHOOP!!!