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A. Snatch – take 15 min to find your 1 rep max snatch. IF you are new to this movement, work up to a heavy set with good technique of: 2 snatch pulls + 1 snatch.

B. For reps, 12 min AMRAP of:

6 strict pull-ups (or appropriate modification)

12 box jumps (24″/20″) (step-ups if you cannot yet back squat your bodyweight, 1 step-up = 1 box jump)

18 shoulder touches (ideally in a wall walk position, but a pike push-up position is an acceptable modification if needed).

**We are holding a skipping clinic this Friday, May 30th from 6-7 pm, if you haven’t seen our post on Facebook. If you can make it, put a check mark beside your name on the sign-up sheet on the whiteboard.**

Skipping Clinic-May