A. Every 25 sec for 11 rounds: 2 fast deadlifts at 65% of 1RM
B. Burpee ladder – do 1 burpee the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, etc., until you cannot complete the required number of reps before the buzzer signals the end of that minute. Your score is the number of rounds completed, plus the number of reps completed in the final minute. The key here is to keep the reps fast, even at the beginning, because you want your body to be primed for the later rounds when you will have to move quickly.
Post results to comments.
There were some great efforts last night in the On Ramp class for second round of the “Baseline” workout! Well done, Agatha, Janelle, and Tiffaney! I expect I’ll see more of the same in today’s final On Ramp classes as well.
(We are still having some website issues, particularly with the mobile site, which doesn’t seem to display fully. Also, if you e-mailed me in the last couple of days, you may have gotten the e-mail returned because of changes to our host server. I think that’s been sorted out however.)
Wishing I hadn’t peeked.
C’mon Mara, you know you love it….and more importantly, burpees love you
Nothing says Valentines day like a LOT of burpees
Jay, can you try submitting another comment? I’ve been getting automatic e-mails asking me to approve all comments, which is not what I want. I changed one of the plugin settings, and I’m hoping that will cure it.
How is it working now?
Yes, it’s sorted out. Thanks.
A. 60# deadlifts @65%
B. 12+8 burpees….yeeoowsers those are ruff!! those last eight i was barely moving. I was the only one in the nooner today….so BIG thanks to colin for doing them crazy burpees with me part way!!!! it was a huge help!
i hear ya mara…i kinda wish i hadn’t known either!!
loved your comment jay. lol.
You’re welcome, Esther! That workout is tough enough as it is, and certainly much rougher on your own. Nicely done!
Amazing energy in the gym all night. Great to see so many people out around 5.
A) 235# it was a happy weight which was comfortable in keeping explosive for all of the rounds
B) I bowed out on this one early as I thought I had to coach (and I thought supper was coming backup)…still pulled 17+12, far off from a PR but I got the point of the exercise
Amazing job, Esther! Congrats!
A. Used 195. Felt pretty good and fast. I did notice the effect of a little less rest this time, felt a bit more taxing.
B. 12 + 9. Ugh. Beat my old PR by 1 rep, which is good because I wasn’t sure I could even get to 12 today. Ladders are a special kind of twisted torture. Butt, chest, shoulders and hip flexors all feeling it today. Burpee love/hate….It’s a fine line.
thanks mara!!!
you did awesome – 195# whoop!!! and fantastic job on those dreaded burpees….they are just plain foi, lol 🙂