A. Push press – Work up to heavy single, then do 3×3 @80% with slow negative (rest 1 min between sets).
B. 1/2 “Cindy” – 10 min AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats.
C. 3×20 GHD situps, 3×10 GH raises (or 20 hip ext)
A. Push press – Work up to heavy single, then do 3×3 @80% with slow negative (rest 1 min between sets).
B. 1/2 “Cindy” – 10 min AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats.
C. 3×20 GHD situps, 3×10 GH raises (or 20 hip ext)
So pumped after today’s workout! But, shaking my head that I thought I could do my push-ups off the floor!
colleen – it’s AWESOME that you gaver a try!! be proud!!! you are working HARD!!
A. PR’ed my push press, VERY happy about that. 75# . my left shoulder was giving me a run for my money, wish it could have stayed quiet, but still ended up pleased with my progress!! YAY!!
B. 7+12 pullups were scaled to ring rows and pushups on the box ( no idea what height…will ask next time) pushups were broken, and nearly finished me off tooooo – hehehe!!
Happy May 1st everyone 🙂
Esther, I don’t recall which side of the box you used, but the dimensions of the large box are 20″ x 24″ x 30″.
thanks colin!!! it was 20″ 🙂
Fun combination tonight but as the saying goes…my arms are done.
A) 185# which according to mylog is a 20# PR? Think I might have had more in me, but I was running behind….147.5 for the 3×3
B) 11+9 RX’D like everyone, the push-ups went south pretty quickly
A. Tried for a PR on the push press, but it wasn’t happening today. My last successful rep was at 145.
B. 11+8 Rx. One single rep behind Jay, who claims he didn’t have my score in mind as he was going through the workout.
Of course I had your score in mind….I believe what I said was that I wasn’t sure which round I was on, I just knew I didn’t want to get less than 8 reps on whichever round it was when the 10 minutes ended.
You guys are so cute! I’ll be doing this one tomorrow.
A) 140#, a 5# PR. Now to improve my jerk.
B) 8+16 Rx