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A. Handstand practice: 1-2 laps slow bear crawl with active shoulders – Try to get your hips as much above your shoulders as you can. Scale this up to a bent arm bear crawl (hips still high). This takes a bit more strength to do. Every 40 seconds for 10 rounds, do a...


Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice), plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.


A. Deadlift – 4×10@65% (same weight as last week, but more reps). B. EMOM for 16 minutes (4 rounds): Station 1: Reverse sled drag (no row) 1 turf lap Station 2: 8 DB bench presses (as heavy as possible for this rep scheme and timeframe) Station 3: 3-6 reps...


A. Cluster back squats – 3 sets of @ 65%. For those new to cluster squats, you do 3 reps, re-rack the bar for about 10 seconds, then do another 3 reps, for a total of 4 sets of 3 (within that set). B. 6 rounds for time: 6 hang squat snatches (95/65 or...


A. Split jerk – Find your 1 rep max. B. For individual times – 3×400 m run, resting 2 min between efforts. Dress for success for this, as the weather may be chilly. This may be the first run of the season for some of you, so keep that in mind with...