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A. Snatch grip deadlift – 5×3 at a 5111 tempo (5 second negative on each rep). This is a strength movement in its own right, so don’t be restricted by your snatch numbers here. Most of you will be able to work well above your 1 rep max snatch. As a ballpark estimate,...


Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice), plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.


A. Alternating for 5 rounds: Single arm DB bench press, as heavy as possible for 8-12 reps. Single arm ring rows OR bent over DB rows. Aim for 8-12 reps for these as well. Shoot for more reps than last week, or increase the weight slightly (move the feet forward for...


A. Jerk practice – 5 work sets of: 2 push jerks + 1 split jerk. Aim for approximately the same weight as last week, or more if your technique allows. B. For time: Row 500 m Then 4 rounds of: 16 weighted lunges (2 DBs or KBs) 16 toes-to-bar 16 DB hang power...


A. Pause front squats – 5×3 @ 70% (up from last week), using a 13X1 tempo (3 second pause in the bottom). For the newer people out there, when we write a tempo as 13X1, what that means is: DBUT = Down, Bottom, Up, Top. i.e. 1 second down, 3 seconds in the bottom,...