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A. 4 work sets, alternating: 8 single-arm DB presses 8 single-arm bent over DB rows Do both arms on each movement, then move on. Let your weights be determined by your weaker arm. You will likely have a heavier weight for your rows. B. For max calories in 10 minutes:...


A. Back squat – Find your 1 rep max. B. For time, 21-15-9 of: Russian KB swings (heavy) Pull-ups. Compare to Feb 20 2016, Nov 4 2015, Apr 22 2015, Feb 20 2015. This should be heavy and fast. Scale your pull-ups accordingly.


**Gym is open today for all regularly scheduled classes, even though some of you might have the day off work.** A. Turkish get-up: 3 sets of 2 reps per arm at a moderately heavy weight. Do each set of 2 reps without setting the weight down. Keep moving through these....


A. Rope climb / pegboard practice: 5-10 rope ascents (scale to pulls from the floor, and practice your footwork on the rope) or pegboard ascents. If you have the strength, try the legless (arms only) rope climb. For the regular rope climbs, aim to get to the top in as...


Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice), plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.