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A. Turkish get-up: 3 sets of 2 reps per arm at a moderately heavy weight. Do each set of 2 reps without setting the weight down. Keep moving through these. B. For 2 rounds, doing 2 minutes of work, and with a 30 sec transition time between movements: Overhead KB or DB...


Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice), plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.


A. Handstand push-up strength: EMOM for 10 minutes: Odd minutes: 1-5 strict HSPU OR 2-5 kipping HSPU OR piked push-ups (feet on box, hands on parallettes) OR seated DB presses (on floor). Even minutes: 1-3 wall walks OR 10-20 shoulder taps in plank or pike position....


A. Back squat – 2×5@75%, 3×3@78%. B. With a partner, for a 12 minute AMRAP: 40 bench presses (135/95 or 50-55% of max bench press) 60 wall balls 40 toes-to-bar. **Bench presses must be spotted by your partner. Try to partner up with someone who is...


A. Weighted pull-ups – 5×5 (as heavy as you can for this rep scheme). Scaled options: 5×2 slow negatives OR 5 max effort sets of ring rows with a 3 second negative on each rep. B. 2 max effort sets of kipping pull-ups OR 3 max effort sets of controlled scapular...


A. Press – Find your 3 rep max. B. From July 24 2018: 8 minute AMRAP of: 50 double-unders 8 overhead squats (135/95) Scale the number of DUs if needed. This is a short workout, similar to that of Aug 11 (rowing and DUs), so the same advice applies. Don’t turn...