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A. 5 sets of the following complex: 1 power snatch + 1 snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat. Work between 80-85% of your max snatch, is possible. B. For time: 50-40-30-20-10 double-unders Alternating with: 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 pull-ups (scale to hinge or ring...


A. From March 25 2018: With a partner, taking 2 minutes at each station, and resting/transitioning for 30 seconds: 2 rounds of: D-Ball ground to over the shoulder (alternate reps with your partner, using different d-balls if needed) Partner medicine ball sit-ups...


A. Handstand push-up strength: EMOM for 10 minutes: Odd minutes: 1-5 strict HSPU OR 2-5 kipping HSPU OR piked push-ups (feet on box, hands on parallettes) OR seated DB presses (on floor). Even minutes: Side shuffle in handstand (either in a wall walk or with your back...


A. Weighted pull-ups – 5×5 (as heavy as you can for this rep scheme). Scaled options: 5×2 slow negatives OR 5 max effort sets of ring rows with a 3 second negative on each rep. B. 3 max effort sets of body rows. C. 8 minute AMRAP of: 5 front squats...


A. Press – 5×4 @ 75-80%. Increase weight from last week. B. 20 DB (wo)manmakers for time. Compare to Oct 26 2017, Dec 8 2015, April 27 2015, Sept 9 2014, Mar 11 2014, Nov 20 2013, or Jul 15 2013.


A. Back squat clusters: (3 sets). Cluster in this case means that you re-rack the bar for about 10 seconds, and then pick it back up again for next 3 reps (do this 4 times for your set). If you have done these in the barbell strength class recently, you...